Project Management As A Critical Skillset
Commercial project performance has risen globally on a year-to-year basis. Reports from the Project Management Institute (PMI) show that 71 percent of projects have met their original goals and business intent in 2018, up from 68 percent in 2016.
Project managers have continued to be a driving force behind this change and they are in high demand around the world. PMI also reported the need for 97.7 million project professionals globally by 2027. Without qualified talent in these positions, billions of dollars could be lost to businesses worldwide.
This is why businesses are turning to architects, who bring a unique set of skills that are transferrable to successful project management roles. Architects are now moving into these positions because it gives them an opportunity to enhance their skill-sets for managing large-scale projects. The architect’s industries are nothing without project management. A project manager is a person who handles the project with the expert team and has faced so many critical challenges during the project
By integrating design with management skills, your architectural background can lead to success as a project manager. But before completing the successful project we have to complete so many phases. In today’s world, there are many project management software available in the market. By using it your project manager can easily manage the project.
What qualities can an architect bring to project management?
As an architect, you’re able to bring a wide range of skills to a rewarding project management position.
Communication and Teamwork
Team communication is one of the critical skills of a good project manager. Utilizing existing stakeholder management experience having worked with contractors, building companies, and clients, architects are ready-made for project management. Communication affects teamwork in positive and negative ways. The quantity and quality of communication within a team and from leadership affects teamwork. Every member of the team needs to take the initiative to communicate. When a team is not actively communicating, their work is at stake. It’s important for everyone to learn how to communicate effectively to improve teamwork.
As a project manager with an architectural background, you’re able to bring strong negotiating skills to the table. By providing great advice and experience across all parts of the building process, you help resolve any difficulties with contractors. Negotiation is a method by which people settle differences. It is a process by which compromise or agreement is reached while avoiding argument and dispute.
Decision making is the process of making choices by identifying a decision, gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions. Using a step-by-step decision-making process can help you make more deliberate, thoughtful decisions by organizing relevant information and defining alternatives.
Your architectural knowledge equips you with decision-making skills, which can be a great benefit to a future project management career. Helping to establish construction sites, coordinate equipment, arrange for infrastructure requirements, and develop a quality control framework are just some of the decisions you can make with confidence as a project manager.
Architects typically have a natural creative problem-solving mindset when it comes to project management. Not only adept at handling structural details, but you also bring unique solutions to the various problems a project might face.
Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something somehow new and somehow valuable is formed. The created item may be intangible (such as an idea, a scientific theory, a musical composition, or a joke) or a physical object (such as an invention, a printed literary work, or a painting).
You can help fill the problematic spaces in a construction plan, providing innovative ways to solve difficult problems that a non-architectural project manager might struggle with.
Risk Mitigation
As a project manager with an architectural background, you’re able to maintain records and track all variables across your team’s work. This attentiveness helps you and the business stay in control of a project’s budget while making sure all stakeholders get paid on time.
You’re also able to assist with the design process, making sure that a project is created and built with minimal errors. With your architectural knowledge, you can help understand which contractors are the right fit.
Risk mitigation is a strategy to prepare for and lessen the effects of threats faced by a business. Comparable to risk reduction, risk mitigation takes steps to reduce the negative effects of threats and disasters on business continuity (BC). Threats that might put a business at risk include cyberattacks, weather events, and other causes of physical or virtual damage. Risk mitigation is one element of risk management and its implementation will differ by organization.
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